Wednesday, 4 March 2015


By Brian Moseti

Perhaps it has taken, DJs in clubs to remind us of what patriotism is
in the dead of the night
playing the national anthem to people who are more than half crazed
with booze, drugs and the sheer thrill of life

remember during the Moi era when patriotism meant screaming ‘Nyayo’ on public holidays
when all shops were closed
everyone trooped to the stadiums or glued themselves to the TV
to watch the march past and listen to the speech

when public barazas meant everyone had to attend
failure to do so prompted the chief to send the 'youth' to come fetch you
for six strokes of the cane
who decided on six strokes anyway
doesn’t the bible have forty strokes

when all came to a standstill because the president was visiting
all shops and businesses closed
those times when the sight of a policeman evoked terror
even when one had done nothing

lately though, no one cares
no one bothers to stop and stand still in honor when the flag goes up or down
no one cares about public holidays save for an excuse to engage in boisterous revelry
when public holidays fall on weekends

all that is left are ‘Proudly Kenyan’ campaigns
that elicit cynical comments from the people
from citizens whose only question is, 'what’s the point'
after all tomorrow we will have forgotten
or something more interesting will have come up

like say
someone has embezzled public funds
or the government has been swindled off a big chunk of taxpayers’ money
by some fraudsters who were welcomed into the country like emirs
cartoonists will have a field day in the papers.
internet memes will trend
bloggers and activists who have turned to propagandists and alarmists will have a field day
where one of them will end up in prison

we will forget,
as countless die of hunger
or some two communities will slit each other’s throats
and the blame game will begin
and cries of ‘naomba serikali’ will fill the air


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